Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 5


Question One
Australia -> 102.5
China -> 41
India -> 20
U.S.A -> 83.5

Question Two
Australia ->54.2
China -> 15.8
India -> 7
USA -> 72

Question Three
-infrastructure of the enviroment
-political regulory enviroment
-business readiness
-market enviroment
-government readiness
Question 4
This shows that the Australian consumer is ranked higher than Australian businesses with business readiness scoring a ranking of 22 while the Australian consumer scored 13

Thursday, May 6, 2010

week 2 questions 2010

Question 1A--> Michael Rappa
1--->How organisations are found.
Rapper mentions that one of the areas that was most used online was advertising on the net through seach domain names and banners.
2---->Search protocol
Rapper discussed what language you should use while searching for infomation on search engines such as google yahoo etc.. in order to find the best result.
3--->Ranking alga rythem
How infomation is ranked in order of relevance to the key words you type into the search engine.
How nothing is ever thrown away and it is always stored because there is so much room and space to store infomation on devices and the only reason why infomation is likely to get deleted off the device is if it contains infomation that has become outdated or not relevant anymore about a business or company.
Question 1B--->Marissa Mayer
I found that it was interesting that Google can make money by chargin business to advertise their business on google search engine that prevents google users from having to pay a fee for the search engine to retrieve infomation every time you use the engine, this shows that google is not only socially responsible but it also looks after there users which elstablishes a loyal user base. However the thing i found most fasinating was the "google latitude" which involves a GPS tracking device in your phone that allows you to pin point the location of your friends anywhere anytime, this suprised me to see how far technology had actually come.
5->Machine to Machine
6->Server to Server
P to P--------> Peer to Peer
D to D-------->Device to Device
(C)"All six of these webs essentially become interconnected pools of infomation that cane be hyberlinked, but they are mostly "internetted and have different business characteristics."

week 3 questions 2010

Question 1

Customer centric web is when a business creates a website that is based around the wants and needs of a customer. Business that are creating customer centric websites are relising that a unique experience to websites are the key drivers in increased sales, loyality and word of mouth advertising. By the business' anaylsing the wants and needs of clients using their site/goods it allows the business more effective choices of the design, content, offering, designs or processes available on the business' site.

However, sometimes it is hard to establish a customer centric website because if your home page of the web site does not show the clients benefits for them chosing to buy the business goods or services they are less likely to choose to buy your goods or services over your market competitors goods or services. If the website is not straight foreward and easy to navigate customers may feel frustrated and not want to waste their time on trying to find valuable infomation on a site that is not set out clearly.

Question 2
presence can be defined as "the impression that something is present". A web presence is the presence of a company or person on the web. Business that do business on the web should be more concerned about than firms that operate in the 'real' world' because business that sell their goods or services on the web is harder to stand out opposed to business that sell their goods or services in the physical world. this is because business in the fuctional world can make signs to advetise their business and can be known through reputation and location. However, business that operate over the internet need to be able to put their business on seach engines, side banners on popular websites and over competitive prices over businesses that operate in the physical world.
Question 3
By real estate agents using the internet and having their own website they are able to connect with people outside their local geographical area, by being online the real estate agent is able to show all of his/ or her property listings therefore advertise the properties to a larger audience compared to only being able to advertise in person.
Mass media advertising is helpful for the customers looking to buy/sell property who do not have access to the internet. Using mass media advertising by putting advertisements on billboards, buses, newspapers, radio etc it allows the real estate agency to advertise to the general public and not just people who have the internet, therefore due to the real estate being advertised more public places it allows the real esate agencies cliental base to grow.
Personal contact is also another way to connect and advertise the properties the real estate is hoping to sell/lease. Personal contact can be seen as limited compared to using the web because it does not cover a huge geographical location and is not always accessable like the internet. However this typer of selling for the real estate agent can be better than selling over the internet because it allows the agent to talk and push all the good features of the property and go into more detail about the property being sold.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

week 1 questions 2010

week one questions.

Question 1
for a banking site; secondary formula, down time, security, internet access and relationship building.

Question 2
E- Commerce is also know as electronic marketing it consists of products over elctronic systems such as computer networks and the internet.

E- Business is the utilization of infomation and communication technololgies that supports all of a businesses activities.

Question 3
buy side - refers to the transaction to procure resources need by an organisation from its suppliers.

sell side - refers to transactions involved with selling products to an organisations customers

Question 4
B2B ---> business to business

B2C---->business to customer

C2B---->consumer to business

B2E---->business to employee

C2C---->consumer to customer

Question 5
use of digital TV (slide 14 --> intro to ebusiness slide)

Question 6
-increased speed which suppliers can obtain.
-reduced operating costs.
-reduced sales and purchasing costs.
-improving the range and quality.

Question 7

Question 8
*if there is postive online veiws posted online through forums and polls the busness will be more recognised as a drowing and strong business therefore gain more cliental.
*easy to find
*keeps up with local competition

Question 9
The Internet is digital information

Question 10