Tuesday, March 16, 2010

week 1 questions 2010

week one questions.

Question 1
for a banking site; secondary formula, down time, security, internet access and relationship building.

Question 2
E- Commerce is also know as electronic marketing it consists of products over elctronic systems such as computer networks and the internet.

E- Business is the utilization of infomation and communication technololgies that supports all of a businesses activities.

Question 3
buy side - refers to the transaction to procure resources need by an organisation from its suppliers.

sell side - refers to transactions involved with selling products to an organisations customers

Question 4
B2B ---> business to business

B2C---->business to customer

C2B---->consumer to business

B2E---->business to employee

C2C---->consumer to customer

Question 5
use of digital TV (slide 14 --> intro to ebusiness slide)

Question 6
-increased speed which suppliers can obtain.
-reduced operating costs.
-reduced sales and purchasing costs.
-improving the range and quality.

Question 7

Question 8
*if there is postive online veiws posted online through forums and polls the busness will be more recognised as a drowing and strong business therefore gain more cliental.
*easy to find
*keeps up with local competition

Question 9
The Internet is digital information

Question 10

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